Turning Point Counseling is not an In Patient Center. However we always strive to provide information when possible. Below is a list of In Patient Centers/Facilities. If you find that one is no longer in service, please let us know so we can update our list.
1. Christian Encounter
(530) 268-0877
Grass Valley, CA
16-25 year old, co-ed (but girls and boys kept separate)
3 month minimum commitment, most stay
Maximum: 18 kids
2. Wings of Faith Academy
(417) 276-7185
Stockton, MO (2.5 hours south of Kansas City)
13-17 (younger students considered on case by case basis)
1 year minimum commitment
If 16 years old or older - Recommended stay will be until get their high school diploma
20 student capacity
24/7 supervision – staff secure
Church on Wed. and Sunday -- Chapel 5x/ week
Memorize Scripture
Wear uniforms
Use ‘School Tomorrow’ curriculum which is Fully Accredited
Kids go at their own pace in school work
Learn how to cook, sew, housekeeping skills, secretarial skills
Work with horses
Girls learn to barrel race on horses
Traveling singing group
Volleyball team
Agape boys’ school 3 miles down road – use facilities but never mix with the boys
Have graduation ceremony for high school grads
Sat/Sun are the phone calls days – can’t call out, but parents, etc. can call in
Counseling available as needed
After 4 months – can visit kids, 4 more months can take off campus, etc.
3. Mercy Ministries
(615) 831-6987
Nashville, TN (40 kids); St Louis, MO(20 kids); Munroe, LA (20 kids)
13-28 year old girls
6 month program (“six months with Jesus”)
4. Heart Light Ministries
coed – not a lot of contact with opposite sex
9-12 months
5. Beullah Mount
(606) 376-5988
60 kids
6. Julian Youth Academy
(800) 494-2200
San Diego, CA
Girls only
Christian program
7. Heart Ministries
14 girls
Most stay 1-2 years
8. Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch
(800) 726-6755
Billings, Montana
9-12 month program
9. Laurel House
(714) 832-0207
Orange, CA
6 kids
6-9 months
10. Wellspring Youth Academy
Fresno, CA
Obesity program
4 months minimum - Avg stay is 5-6 months
11. Mount Bachelor Academy
(872) 442-3769
Bend, OR
Therapuetic boarding school
14 month program
12. Discovery Academy
(801) 374-2121
Provo, UT
6 month to1 year
13. Eckerd Youth Alternatives
(800) 554-4357
Florida, Tennessee, Georgia
avg 6-8 months (3-4 months min.)
14. Sunrise Academy
(801) 201- 8717
St. George, UT
15. Falcon Ridge Ranch
Virgin, UT
22 kids
16. Mountain Homes Youth Ranch
(866) 781-2450
12-15 weeks
1. Christian Encounter
(530) 268-0877
Grass Valley, CA
16-25 year old, co-ed (but girls and boys kept separate)
3 month minimum commitment, most stay
Maximum: 18 kids
- Located on 82 acres between Sacramento and Tahoe. Raise cows, pigs, etc. to eat. Kids go to school and
work on the ranch - Counseling twice a week (3 counselors)
- Three kids + one intern in each cabin
- Kids have one on-one devotionals with interns once a week
- Go to church on site (other people come from off the ranch, also)
- Very family oriented; interns sometime bring their kids to eat with the kids at the ranch
- Go on outings – went to Apple Hill for a holiday
- Have a special Christmas dinner – decorate the dining room – kids anticipate
- Kids are never alone
- Kids sign a contract saying they’ll try it for a certain amount of time – remind them of that if they want to go home
– they try to build integrity - Kids are at different levels – 1-5; also use positive peer pressure
- When board meets – talk over what’s going on in their lives and pray for first hour
- Pray weekly that the right kids will come to the program
2. Wings of Faith Academy
(417) 276-7185
Stockton, MO (2.5 hours south of Kansas City)
13-17 (younger students considered on case by case basis)
1 year minimum commitment
If 16 years old or older - Recommended stay will be until get their high school diploma
20 student capacity
24/7 supervision – staff secure
Church on Wed. and Sunday -- Chapel 5x/ week
Memorize Scripture
Wear uniforms
Use ‘School Tomorrow’ curriculum which is Fully Accredited
Kids go at their own pace in school work
Learn how to cook, sew, housekeeping skills, secretarial skills
Work with horses
Girls learn to barrel race on horses
Traveling singing group
Volleyball team
Agape boys’ school 3 miles down road – use facilities but never mix with the boys
Have graduation ceremony for high school grads
Sat/Sun are the phone calls days – can’t call out, but parents, etc. can call in
Counseling available as needed
After 4 months – can visit kids, 4 more months can take off campus, etc.
3. Mercy Ministries
(615) 831-6987
Nashville, TN (40 kids); St Louis, MO(20 kids); Munroe, LA (20 kids)
13-28 year old girls
6 month program (“six months with Jesus”)
- Take girls with drug problems, pregnancies, anger, etc.
- Voluntary program – girl must want to come
- Go to church next door (Nashville)
- Counseling assignments based on Biblical teachings by Beth Moore, etc.
- No cell phones, no computers (online)
- No uniforms
4. Heart Light Ministries
coed – not a lot of contact with opposite sex
9-12 months
- Counseling – 4-5 counselors – once a week for one hour - group counseling – once a week for two hours
- Most girls Christian
- Required to go to church, optional Bible Study – but most go
- All staff Christian
- No cells, ipods, etc.
- 3 parents retreats – the parents go to training sessions
- 3 family retreats – fun emphasized, can be with extended family
- Parents talk to counselor once a week
- Go on four breaks – Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving,
- Texas high school curriculum
- When get to a certain point, put them in the local public school
5. Beullah Mount
(606) 376-5988
60 kids
- Will keep kids as long as parents will allow
- Coed program, but keep boys and girls separated
- recommendation must come from pastor of this church (all over the country) He Doesn’t have to personally
know the child - Uniforms to school but not during free time
- School M-Th Curriculum: Accelerated Christian Education
- F-Sat tend animals in barn – bottle-fed calves, pigs, goats, etc raised to eat
- If work not done, don’t get to play volleyball or indoor games
- Church on the property – attend twice on Sunday, once on Wed. night - Prayer meeting every Saturday night
- 2 dorms – 10 kids in one room with one dorm mom + 2 helpers
- Not a lock-down facility
- Memorize Scripture, pray
- No formal counseling
- No phone calls for first six weeks
- All letters that kids receive the staff reads, but all their outgoing mail is private
- Breaks:
- Thanksgiving 1 week
- Christmas – 3 weeks
- Spring – 1 week
- Summer – 6+ weeks (this year July 21- Sept. 1)
- No cell phones, iPods, computers
- Couple months before allowed to visit
6. Julian Youth Academy
(800) 494-2200
San Diego, CA
Girls only
Christian program
7. Heart Ministries
14 girls
Most stay 1-2 years
- Victory Village Academy is where they go to school
- Homeschool type program – kids work at their own pace
- Most kids make up for lost time
- Have a state certified teacher
- Four breaks when kids go home:
- Christmas (approx. Dec. 12-Jan 5) must leave
- Late summer (mid July – Sept. 1) 7 weeks – must leave
- Easter (March ) 1 week – don’t have to leave
- Spring/Summer – 1 week – don’t have to leave
- Can use cell phones after school with supervision
- May go online if supervised – can do e-mail and MySpace
8. Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch
(800) 726-6755
Billings, Montana
9-12 month program
- Long term psychiatric care – most kids have existing psychiatric problems
- 2 psychologists/2 psychiatrists on site, plus on site nurses
- Mostly gov’t and school funded, very few private families
- Christian-based approach
9. Laurel House
(714) 832-0207
Orange, CA
6 kids
6-9 months
- Girls enrolled in local public high school
- Must be doing individual and family counseling (not provided)
10. Wellspring Youth Academy
Fresno, CA
Obesity program
4 months minimum - Avg stay is 5-6 months
- Deal with behavioral, emotional issues
- No cells, computers
- 3 counseling sessions a week
- Do academics
11. Mount Bachelor Academy
(872) 442-3769
Bend, OR
Therapuetic boarding school
14 month program
- co-ed ; maximum 110 kids
- Not Christian
- College-prep curriculum
- Small classes – only 12 kids in each class
- Individual and group therapy every day
12. Discovery Academy
(801) 374-2121
Provo, UT
6 month to1 year
- 50 kids/coed
- Academics
- Christian-based
- Counseling included
13. Eckerd Youth Alternatives
(800) 554-4357
Florida, Tennessee, Georgia
avg 6-8 months (3-4 months min.)
- behavioral/emotional issues
- Cabins – groups of 10
- Individual/group therapy
- classroom – public school curriculum
14. Sunrise Academy
(801) 201- 8717
St. George, UT
- Lockdown facility – staff 24/7
- 25-28 hours of therapy a week
15. Falcon Ridge Ranch
Virgin, UT
22 kids
- Equine therapy 6-10 hours a week
- Each girl gets their own horse
- Small, family-owned
16. Mountain Homes Youth Ranch
(866) 781-2450
12-15 weeks
- Therapeutic wilderness program
- Very intense, very impactful
- Therapy environment 24/7
- Hiking, camping, sleep in tent