OFFICE LOCATIONS: Diamond Bar & La Habra
CONTACT: To schedule a first-time appointment with John, please call 800-998-6329.
John has been in the helping field for the past twenty years. As a Marriage, Family and Child Therapist, worship leader, husband, father, and friend, John assists people in pursuing and obtaining healing for their lives; desiring to help others to fulfill Christ's commandment to love God and to love one another. John brings varied experiences, both vocational and personal, to his ministry with others.
He doesn't ask others to do what he hasn't been willing to do himself. He believes that the indwelling presence of Christ brings redemption to the experiences of pain and suffering in each believer. All of John's ministry and counseling is Biblical based, authentically Christian, and psychologically sound.John is trained in Theophostic Prayer and frequently uses this method as a tool in the counseling sessions. Very significant healing has occurred as a result of this prayer. |
John has been a committed Christian since June of 1984. He has functioned in many ministerial positions including Staff Counselor, Worship Leader, youth worker, short term missionary, drama team leader, Prayer Team Pastor and Leader, home group leader. John and his wife are raising their daughter, whom they home school.
John is professionally trained as a seminar leader, preacher, and speaker. He has varied experiences assisting churches and organizations in fulfilling internal needs to motivate and bring cohesion.
WORKSHOPS AVAILABLE John provides workshops for churches and organizations, including: "Renewing Your Marriage", Marriage Retreats and workshops "Renewing Your Mind", Healing of the Emotions, basic healing for all "Singled Out", Living as Christ in our World for Singles "Teens in Tune", Getting a Head Start on Life If you would like to schedule John as a guest speaker, please contact the call center for Speakers Group arrangements at 800-998-6329 and specify that you would like John to speak at your event. |
RESTORING GOD'S IMAGE: The Narrow Gate of Healing and Transformation
by John Del Grosso God is our refuge and our strength,A very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1) This is not another self-help book. If you have picked it up believing that change will be easy, you will be disappointed. Rather than promising easy transformation through new behaviors, its purpose is to help you struggle through the agonizing pain of true transformation. Christians often speak of crucifying the flesh. Galatians 5:24-25 states, “And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. ” But how many of us really embrace this, and welcome the experience of pain when it occurs? Many churches and self-help books are trying to help usavoid pain, rather than seeing it as a catalyst for transformation, a necessary experience in our journey to freedom in Christ. Paul speaks of losing everything “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings.” Clearly, pain is part of the package. There is a path that leads to life. It is narrow, as Jesus said, but He guarantees our success as we walk in it; He’s already shown us the way. In fact, Jesus Himself is the way: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). He does not abandon us to our own abilities. By His power within us, He enables us to accomplish more than we can ask or imagine. Reading this book will not help you to become better, but willhelp you decrease, as Christ in you increases. You’ll learn to do this through the scriptures. True Christian counseling should be the way of the cross—the way to life—the way of God. |
John's standard rate is $200 per session. He offers a sliding scale where the price is based upon the client's monthly household net income so it can be lowered down if the client's income qualifies. John is an out of network provider and does not directly bill insurance. He can provide clients with a superbill to submit for reimbursement through their insurance company.